Public Consultation Rise Park Flood Risk


This website explores the flooding problem in Rise Park and the homes surrounding it.

The purpose of this site is to show you our initial analysis and get your views on the cause and extent of the existing flooding problems, before discussing potential solutions to these issues.

We are holding a community consultation which will explore whether the local community agree that there is a problem and would support the principle of finding a solution.

We want to hear your thoughts on the issues and ideas presented on this website through our feedback form, as these will directly inform our next steps.

The Background

Existing Watercourse

Black’s Brook flows through Rise Park in a southerly direction. In the vicinity of Isbell Gardens and Garry Close, the channel splits, with the eastern alignment continuing around the east of Rise Park towards Beauly Way. This channel is culverted beneath Beauly Way and the A12, before emerging within an open channel in the north of Raphael Park. The second channel passes along the western boundary of Rise Park and enters a culvert in the vicinity of the existing play area. This culvert continues towards Beauly Way, before heading west.

Existing Flood Risk

The Environment Agency’s (EA) Flood Map for Planning shows that Rise Park and areas to the south of the park are at risk of fluvial flooding due to the presence of Black’s Brook.

The Flood Map for Planning is supported by a detailed hydraulic model provided by the EA. Due to the shallow nature of Black’s Brook, the hydraulic model shows that water overtops the banks of the watercourse during a 1 in 5 year event (the smallest event modelled by the EA). During a 1 in 10 year event flood water is shown to flow in a south easterly direction, following natural topography, towards properties around Beauly Way and Rise Park Boulevard. The flood extent and depth increases in line with the severity of the modelled flood events.

Engagement to date

Through a series of meetings with LB Havering, Friends of Rise Park and local Councillors, we learned that flooding in Rise Park and homes surrounding the park is a repeated occurrence and has become a concern for the local community.

We decided to explore this issue further by commissioning Logika, our specialist flood risk and drainage consultant, to undertake detailed modelling of the watercourses in the area, including Black’s Brook which runs through Rise Park, to understand what is happening

The Problem - Rise Park today

Why is this happening?

Fluvial flooding occurs in this area due to the capacity of Black’s Brook not being sufficient to hold all of the rainwater within this catchment. Once the capacity of the channel and culverts is exceeded, water overtops and backs up within the park. Out of bank flood water then follows natural topography and ponds in low lying areas. The A12 is raised above Rise Park Boulevard, and therefore flood water builds up to the south east of Rise Park. Once water has ponded to a sufficient depth, it overtops the A12 and continues to follow natural topography towards the south, along Park Boulevard

Potential solutions

An extensive modelling exercise has been undertaken to consider the potential solutions to reduce and/or remove fluvial flooding to residential properties in the surrounding area.

  • Upstream storage within Bedfords Park Nature Reserve Removal/partial removal of the golf embankment
  • Raising the banks of Black’s Brook
  • Increasing the culvert size beneath Beauly Way 
  • Lowering of land in the north of Rise Park
  • Creation of a bund around the lower extent of Rise Park
  • Creation of a bund north of the nursery, extending to Risebridge Golf Course

Modelling shows that the most beneficial solution to reduce flood risk in the local area would be to create a bund within Rise Park extending to Risebridge Golf Course, alongside the creation of flood storage in the north of the park.

Delivering a solution

If the local community is supportive of the idea of delivering a scheme which helps to alleviate the current flooding issues, and there is buy in from key stakeholders such as the Council, we are keen to work with everyone to enable this.

Tell us what you think. What other improvements could be made to Rise Park?

In addition, we would also like to hear your thoughts on what other improvements could be made to Rise Park

Please take the time to fill in our feedback form and discuss any ideas you may have with members of the project team. 

You can contact us by:

Telephone: 0800 002 5522


Next Steps

We will take time to consider the feedback received and it will directly inform our next steps. If we receive a consensus that the local community is supportive of and keen to further explore the concept of a flood mitigation scheme to protect Rise Park and the surrounding homes, we will undertake further work to develop the scheme before re- presenting it in the coming months through another exhibition event. At this next event, we will also provide further information on the emerging proposals for land at Risebridge Chase.

Join us at the Public Consultation

You are kindly invited to a PUBLIC CONSULTATION on Risebridge Chase Flood Prevention

At the event, you will have the opportunity to view explanatory exhibition boards and talk with the project team. You will also be able to share your thoughts on the extent of the flooding problem and whether you would support the principle of delivering a solution. As part of this, we will explore potential schemes to help overcome the problem.

The Ptarmigan team will be present to answer any questions you may have and to collect your feedback. If you are unable to attend the exhibition in person, then please submit your comments via the feedback form.

The deadline for comments is Friday, 27th September 2024. After the public exhibition, the Ptarmigan team will take time to consider the feedback received and it will directly inform our how we move forward

Your Feedback

Thank you for taking the time to visit our website.

Your comments are extremely important to us and we would be  really grateful if you could take a few minutes to complete the feedback form.

Alternatively you can contact us via email or telephone:

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